Intonation Information

As I now have a semi-autonomous microtonal website this page is going to be more specialist, dealing with my own ideas.

If you've got a PC, have a look at my software that should help you to hear this stuff.

Now, here are some pages that help with the practicalities of making music in alternative tunings:

5-limit scales
A complete list of scales that fulfil certain criteria about 5-limit harmony.
7-limit scales
Some 7-limit scales fulfilling similar criteria. Not a complete list, because there's so much variety in 7-limit harmony. Includes my "blues scales" which are well worth a listen.
Scales on a decimal lattice and decimal notation
I devised my decimal notation and lattice as a way of representing the revolutionary Miracle tuning discovered by Paul Erlich and Dave Keenan. This page shows some examples of existing scales adapted to this new notation that's ideally suited for 11-limit music.
Temperamental information
A page each on meantone, miracle, schismic and diaschismic temperament.
7 plus 3 scales
These are really cool, and I'll try and get some MIDI examples to demonstrate how cool, but probably won't.
My schismic fourth tuning
This is a way of getting a conventional keyboard to play precise, non-meantone scales. Have a look if you always thought extended mappings are too difficult.
My modified instruments
Write-ups of a refretted guitar and a MIDI keyboard with a symmetrical layout.
Intervals in 31 note equal temperament
A table showing the ratio space interpretation of intervals now in the extended 11-limit.

And here are some pages on more abstract tuning theory:

Tuning lattices
Background information on triangular and tetrahetral lattices. These are useful in defined scales, and are used in a couple of the pages above. Also, an introduction to 7-limit harmony
Matrices for beginners
An introduction to my tuning matrices. These are useful for mathematical analysis of scales. Well, maybe not that useful, but great fun nonetheless.
Notation and Keyboarding
Stuff about Bosanquet keyboards and the like.
Anomalous Saturated Suspensions
Some chords not covered by Partch's o/utonalities.
Linear temperaments
A general procedure for defining linear temperaments in terms of tuning matrices.
Catalog of linear temperaments
Big list of everything in the literature and some that aren't.
Temperament finding program
Lists temperaments for particular limits, following ideas in the matrix links above. A more advanced program finds temperaments from unison vectors.
Equal temperaments
And some stuff about ETs and matrices.
Maximal evenness proofs
Proofs of some fairly obvious properties about maximally even scales
My MOS applet
This is an applet for doing calculations relating to MOS scales. There's not point going there if you can't run Java.
Unconstrained waffle
A supplement to my introduction to alternative tunings

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